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My name is Galit Dori Morano, and I have been a ceramic artist for the past five years. I'm also a mother of two children. My journey as a creator began at the age of 37, following a temporary move to Philadelphia, USA, which prompted me to leave my previous job. This transition provided me with a rare opportunity to reflect on my purpose in life.

During my youth, I enjoyed art, and this break in my life allowed me to contemplate the possibility of engaging in a field I was passionate about and could bring value to others. By chance, I was introduced to a ceramics studio in Philadelphia and began learning pottery. When we returned to Israel, I continued my studies in a local studio at Midreshet Ben-Gurion.

Through working with clay, I have had the privilege of connecting with many people both in Israel and abroad. I believe this is one of the many advantages of this field - its ability to connect people.

Today, I love creating and dedicating thought and attention to each piece. In my eyes, working with clay has an added value: it is eco-friendly and continues an ancient craft in modern daily life. Over the years, I have developed various techniques for working with clay, such as carving, sgraffito, and painting. I draw inspiration for my creations from the desert environment in which I live, including its landscapes, living creatures, flora, and people.

I have had a love for colors from a young age, and in my creative process, I aim to convey the feeling that colors bring joyful vibrancy to our lives. I personally make the glazes and ensure that the ceramics are functional and suitable for use in a dishwasher and microwave.

Special thanks to Efrat Frankenstein for the amazing photos!